Olive polyphenols are useful in rebalancing the gut microbiome and can help fight diseases such as candidiasis or COVID

September 20 16:26 2022

Several studies have shown that olive tree polyphenols, when ingested as food (extra virgin olive oil, olives) or dietary supplements (olive polyphenol extracts), can improve the gut microbiome by eliminating Candida albicans and reducing the growth of harmful bacteria.

Polyphenols are found ubiquitously in plants, and their regular consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of several chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and neurodegenerative disorders.

Rather than exerting antioxidant effects directly, the mechanisms by which polyphenols express these beneficial properties seem to involve their interactions with cell signaling pathways and related mechanisms, which mediate cell function under both normal and pathological conditions.

Normally, candida behaves as a saprophyte and lives on the intestinal mucosa, without causing problems to the host’s health. However, in certain situations, it can transform from a saprophyte to a pathogen, replicating excessively and causing true infections (candidiasis). In addition to intestinal candida, this yeast can also cause infections in the oral cavity (commonly called “thrush”) and at the urogenital level (urogenital candidiasis). The use of olive tree polyphenols has shown a reduction in the growth of these fungi in the intestinal microbiome.

Recently, Marco Petrillo (European Commission, Joint Research Centre – JRC, Ispra, Italy) published a paper in which he hypothesized that SARS-CoV-2 develops in the gut microbiome; other publications had already been reporting for several months on the alteration of the gut microbiome in association with severe COVID forms. Many works have since shown how olive tree polyphenols have an effect against SARS-CoV-2, and that they carry out their effects in the gut when taken both as a food or as dietary supplement.

I think it is now important to make it clear that what explained above is in no way intended as medical advice, and that the purposes with which I have summarized the scietific bibliography pertain only to the area of cultural insight. What is written does not in any way represent an indication to consider the olive tree a healing plant. It is not intended as advice to use the olive tree or its derivatives by anyone in any modality and for any purpose, because—both in the area of nutrition and in that of prevention and health—I believe that only one’s physician and/or nutritionist would be able to give advice.  None of the claims made in this article attribute to olive tree polyphenols or dietary supplements therapeutic or preventive properties toward any disease or condition, including COVID. 

For those interested, we report that the following dietary supplements have been placed on the market:

Garlive Recovery 


Garlive Oral Spray


On their website, the Spin-Off company clarifies that: “None of the published studies or patent can be used to claim the properties of dietary supplements. Dietary supplements do not possess any therapeutic or preventive properties. Dietary supplements have no role in the context of COVID”.

To learn more, we recommend visiting our websites:



In conclusion, we think that an olive polyphenols-based dietary supplement could be of interest to a segment of the population, even if its properties do not fall beyond the scope of the foods from which the supplements themselves are derived.

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Contact Person: Matteo Bertelli MD, PhD
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